Blog by Alleah

Inside the Aventure

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       Monday was our sabbath. This was my first sabbath after our mentor Madison’s talk about how to sabbath well, and I think it was the best one I’ve had so far. I put aside everything on my to-do list and actually just rested. It’s an obvious concept, but truly resting is hard to do.

       Tuesday we had a meeting with Antonis, then the rest of the day we hung out. Some girls went to get some more clothes since the weather is so drastically different here. 🥲

Lunch at Chick-In


Women’s Bible study
Liv and I organizing upstairs

       Wednesday I attended a women’s Bible study at the coffee shop with half of the girls while the other half went out to evangelize. Afterwards we organized a room upstairs. In the afternoon the whole team got back together with Antonis, and we used the metro to get to a college campus for a prayer walk. There is a TON of political graffiti all over the city, but it was just everywhere on the campus. We ended up watching the beautiful sunset which was refreshing not having any clearing from the buildings around us.




First real sunset in Greece
Political graffiti



Prayer Walk






Ava broke a chair
Coloring with the kids

       One of the random ministries we’re helping with here is at a refugee care center. This ministry is actually so well established and easy to walk into. The volunteers there are all super kind and welcoming. I was hanging out mostly with the refugee kids today who are all really cute. Also we have the opportunity to have conversations with the adults about Jesus, but mainly to just build connection. This will be our Tuesday and Thursday ministry from 10:00am-3:00pm. I’m PUMPED to help out here.



       FRIDAY MARKED OUR HALFWAY POINT FOR THE RACE!!! In the morning we spent about 2 hours praying in the coffee shop, then we spent the afternoon doing ATL. We went down to the bay to eat gyros for lunch, then from there we walked around for three hours praying/talking to people. When we made it back to the coffee shop, we met a kid our age named Mario and got to talk to him for a while. To celebrate the halfway point, the whole team went out to dinner. We spent our time eating our pizzas/salentinas just reliving memories of the trip so far. We laughed so much it was awesome. I closed out the night watching The Shack with Naty and JJ. DUDE wow it was so powerful but so sad. We cried our eyes out.

The bay
Inside a greek orthodox church




First ATL






So sad while watching the Shack










       Saturday we had another sabbath. In the evening we watched “Princess Diaries” all together on our extra bunk beds.

Princess Diaries!!! 😚

       Sunday we had church and I helped with the kids upstairs. Liv taught about the good samaritan and we had them act out scenarios where we can be “good samaritans” this week. Also Mario gave me one of his guitars to borrow while we’re here!!!! I was so pumped because I literally was asking God last night for one so it’s such a dub.

Hang Man pre-good-samaritan









       This week was SO chill, and I’m not complaining. We have so much free time in the evenings, plus I’ve woken up earliest 7:45am every morning to start ministry at 10:00am. Point is, we’ve been very, very blessed this week for lots of time to settle in and get to know the city a bit. I don’t know what to expect for this week which is okay, but I will be fasting Monday through Thursday, so we’ll see where that goes! When I’ve fasted I’ve seen so much fruit spiritually, so I’m excited.

Ready for a new week!

4 responses to “WEEK 19: Greece – Chapter 1 (HALFWAY THROUGH THE RACE)”

  1. I love this update, Alleah! Thank you for being so intentional about updating us and taking pictures to support your stories.
    I love your heart for God and your self-discipline. You inspired your mom and I to do a 3 day water fast and we just completed that this morning. God is doing a new thing in us and I’m so blessed that my daughter is exhorting me to grow spiritually. What an amazing gift. 🎁
    Love you my sweet daughter!

  2. Hi Alleah! So great to hear from you about your halfway point and all the awesome ministry you’re doing. Poppy and I are so very proud of you. The pictures tell the story in your eyes. JESUS is so evident in them! You’re glowing with His light and peace. It’s so wonderful how you’re serving these young refugees and living it. Also, to fast that long is so beautiful and good. I’m sure the Holy Spirit will reveal a lot to you through it. So enjoy your updates and know that we live and miss you so very much!
    Love nana.

    • NANA!!! Thank you for reading my blogs. I’m so happy to share this trip through my eyes, and you’ve made that possible with your support. I love you both so, so much. You’re truly a gift from God. ❤️

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